Terms and Conditions relating to use of Generous for hereafter referred to as Organisation.

Terms of Service

These Terms were updated on 18th May 2018. By continuing to use the Platform, you agree to these additional Terms, and the Terms generally.


These Terms of Use ("Terms") apply to all use of the Generous giving platform for use via the internet or offline (the "Platform") by you, or by any entity or organisation on whose behalf you use the Platform (together, "Users"). The Platform is made available by Heartburst Pty Limited as Generous ("Generous"), who can be contacted at hello@getgenerous.com. By making a donation on the Platform, Users confirm that they have read, understood, accept and agree to be bound by these Terms. Users may only use the Platform in accordance with these Terms. All rights not expressly granted to Users in these Terms are reserved by Generous.


Generous reserves the right to amend or update these Terms at any time with or without notice to Users, and may also add new features or functionality to, or change or remove existing features or functionality from, the Platform that will be subject to the Terms. Any User who continues to use the Platform after any changes are made will be taken to have agreed to those changes.

The Platform

In these Terms, any User wishing to use the Platform in order to be able to make donations to an Organisation. Upon providing the User Account information required, Users will be able to make a donation to an Organisation, and Organisations will be able to receive donations’ from Users, for certain campaigns being promoted by the Organisations.

Generous may release new versions of the Platform from time to time, and require all Organisations to use the latest version. The Platform may only be used in accordance with these Terms, and Users and Organisations must not (and must not attempt to) copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, reverse-engineer or decompile the Platform in any way.

SMS Communication

Generous operate a SMS service that you can use to receive links and reminders. By sending a message to the Generous SMS number, you authorise Generous to send you a return message containing the information you have requested. Generous will only send you one message in response. Please note that Message and Data rates may apply.

User account information

In order to be able to make payments for goods and services via the Platform, Users will need to provide certain information about themselves (as prompted by the Platform) ("User Account Information"). All Users agree to provide true, accurate and current User Account Information. Users grant a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free licence to Generous to use such User Account Information solely for the purposes of supplying the services provided by the Platform, including disclosing such User Account Information to third parties as necessary (for example, disclosing limited User Account Information to Organisations at the time of a Donation, or verifying a User's account information with their credit card company).

Cancellation of recurring donations

Users are entitled to cancel their recurring donation with Generous at any time by logging into the donor portal at https://app.getgenerous.com/Donor/.

Generous may cancel a User's account at any time. Generous may, in its discretion, choose to withdraw or discontinue the provision, operation and/or support of the Platform at any time, and shall have no liability to any Users if it chooses to do so.

All cancellations will result in the deactivation or deletion of the User's account.

Malfunctions and technical support

Generous takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the Platform will function as intended. However, Generous shall not be liable if at any time the Platform malfunctions and/or causes any loss or damage to Users, or for any other loss or damage suffered as a result of any partial or total breakdown of, or inability to use, the Platform. Generous will try to promptly address (during normal business hours) all technical issues that arise in relation to the Platform.


Each User will be responsible and liable for all transactions effected through their use of the Platform. Generous will not be held accountable if a User suffers any loss or damage as a result of the use of the Platform.

Warranties and Liability

The Platform and all content, functionality and features within it (the "Materials") are provided "as is" and without warranties or representations of any kind either expressed or implied. To the greatest extent permitted by law, Generous disclaims and excludes all warranties, terms and representations that may otherwise be implied, including any warranties as to compatibility, satisfactory quality, and fitness for a particular purpose, or that content, information or functionality of the Platform is accurate, error-free or uninterrupted, and/or does not infringe the rights of any third party.

Save in respect of any liability for personal injury or death caused by our negligence, Generous shall not be liable for any damages, loss or injury arising in connection with these Terms and/or use of, or the inability to use, the Platform or any function or services provided by the Platform, howsoever caused and whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise.

While Generous uses reasonable efforts to ensure that the Platform is free from viruses and other malicious content, neither Generous nor any other party involved in producing or delivering the Platform assumes any responsibility, nor shall be liable for any damage to, or viruses that may infect, Users' computers or mobile devices or other property on account of access to or use of the Platform.

Each User indemnifies, and will keep indemnified, Generous against all forms of liability, actions, proceedings, demands, costs, charges and expenses which Generous may incur or be subject to or suffer as a result of the User use of the Platform and the services and functionality provided by it.

Tax Deductible Receipts

In the Platform, Generous makes available to Organisations a feature called Tax Deductible Receipts. A Tax Deductible Receipt is a financial summary that captures the contributions made by Users to Organisations based entirely on the information provided by Organisations to Generous.

Organisations are responsible for providing true, accurate and complete information to Generous. Generous does not verify this information and accept no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, including in the form that this information may appear in any Tax Deductible Receipt. Tax Deductible Receipts do not constitute tax advice. Organisations and other Users should carefully review information on contributions contained on a Tax Deductible Receipt to ensure that it is accurate and complete, and should consult their respective tax advisers concerning the tax deductibility of amounts reflected on the Tax Deductible Receipt.

No illegal or malicious use

No User may use the Platform for any illegal or unauthorised purpose, or for any malicious means, or abuse, harass, threaten, intimidate or impersonate any other User.

Intellectual property and Privacy

All Users agree that Generous owns all of the intellectual property rights existing in the Platform and that nothing in these Terms shall operate to transfer or assign any such rights to any User.

Any information, data, or other content which is generated in the course of use of the Platform by a User ("Data") shall vest in and be owned by Generous. To the extent such Data contains any personally identifiable information, the terms of Generous's Privacy Policy shall apply.


No User or Organisation may publish or use Generous's brand, branding or logos except with Generous's prior written consent. Users must not remove or alter any copyright or other proprietary notices contained within the Platform.


Generous takes reasonable measures to keep User Account Information and Organisation Account Information secure against unauthorised use or access. However, Users shall be responsible for maintaining the security of their Generous account by keeping their User Account Information or Organisation Account Information (as the case may be) and log-in details confidential and secure, and not sharing any such information with any third party.

Generous shall not be liable for any loss, cost or damage suffered as a result of any unauthorised use of the Platform by any third party caused by Users failure to comply with these provisions. Users must notify Generous immediately if they suspect or become aware of any unauthorised or fraudulent use of their account.


If a User does not comply with any aspect of these Terms, Generous may (without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to it) cancel or suspend that User's account, disable the ability of that User to use the Platform, and/or terminate these Terms (including the licence granted within it). Generous shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by Users as a result of Generous exercising its rights under this clause.

Governing law and jurisdiction

These Terms shall be governed by Victorian law, and all Users submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Victorian courts for any matter or dispute arising in relation to these Terms.